May the force be with you

Reed all about it: I got me some Vforce 3 reads! At $137 with manifold rubbers and some spare reeds they were an absolute steal so it would have been rude not to pick them up during a recent trip state side. They were however: well used and in need of a clean so that was going to be my first job when I got them home. The reeds, stuffer blocks and cages are easilly seperated by pulling apart and witdrawing the centre reed holding pin. Once apart I could give everything a thorough clean and inspect. I found a few of the reeds were getting a bit fragile and worn on the edges so some of the spares were quickly swapped in for the dodgy reeds. Once all was clean the reed blocks were reassembled. Being Banshee reed cages they are a fair bit bigger width wise to the standard RD250D cages but seeing them drop into the inlet of a spare YPVS engine reassured me they should fit knowing others ran with YPVS reeds in their bikes. Things would need modifying but it was p...