Another winter rebuild

I wont be giving you another blow for blow break down and rebuild this time. There just isn't the need, you know it already. I will however let you know about any changes of points of interest along the way so here we go and no doubt waffle a fair bit as usual. The bikes strip down was carried out quickly to get the engine out and have a good look in there. The bike had been loosing power towards the end of its last few races (well I had noticed this happening now anyway) so I was curious as to why. A low oil level hinted that the engine might have been running hot due to low gear oil. Everything looked fine inside and the pistons didn't look like they had seen much use at all and certainly not a whole season. With the barrels off I gave the crank an in situ inspection for big end lateral and axial play which was as new. As such I was happy with the condition of the engine and ready to slap it all back together. A new set of pistons, rings and little end bearings wer...